Inhalt der Notizen von War Machine bekannt


Inhalt der Notizen von War Machine bekannt

Wie wir bereits HIER berichteten, versuchte der ehemalige UFC und Bellator Fighter Jon Koppenhaver, besser bekannt als War Machine, sich das Leben zu nehmen. Nun sind neue Informationen bekannt.

Als War Machine in seiner Zelle gefunden worden ist, entdeckte das Gefängnispersonal einige Notizen von ihm. Bei diesen Notizen soll es sich um den Abschiedsbrief des Fighters handeln. Die Nachricht soll an seine Freunde und Familie gehen. War Machine schrieb unter anderem, dass die Gesellschaft die Menschheit töten würde und dass er nicht bestimmt gewesen ist, in diesem Zeitalter zu leben.

Laut TMZ, die den Inhalt des Briefes erhalten und veröffentlicht haben, entschuldigte sich War Machine bei seiner Exfreundin Christy Mack. Seine Aussage war, dass er jeden Tag an diese Nacht denkt und er sich wünscht, dass Mack sich niemals Verletzungen zugezogen hätte. Ebenfalls schrieb er, dass er hofft, dass Mack dies auch weiß.

Zum Abschluss der News folgt noch ein Teil des Abschiedsbriefes von War Machine im Originallaut. Den kompletten Brief könnt ihr HIER als PDF Datei sehen.

“To die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly.” – Nietzche –

If you are reading this then it must be a rap. I refuse to live a parasitic life, relying on taxes and the generosity of friends for food and shelter, while never being able to give back. I always used to say “You gotta know when the gig is up.” I had a good run. I experienced more in my short life than 5 avg. men combined.

To: Christy, my one: I truly love you and planned on being with you forever. I know that I had many flaws and that I wasn’t the best BF at times. When I left you in May it didn’t take me long to realize my mistake. I loved you more than freedom. When we re-united I was 100% dedicated. I know you felt it. I guess it was too little, too late though because something seemed different about you. It drove me crazy, but I knew that you still loved me because you kept telling me to get you the ring. Looking back on it, I guess you wanted security before you “put all of your eggs in one basket” again. That night I was so excited to see you. Finding what I found that night was devastating to me, more than you will ever know. Not just the unfaithfulness, but the way U cared for him and protected him. Not a day goes by that I don’t wish that you weren’t hurt that night, I hope you know that. If I could do it all over again I’d just have laid down and let him beat me up. Maybe you still loved me enough to stop him and make him leave. Maybe I could have just laid on our bed and cried and you’d have held me. Maybe you still loved me enough to end that fling and re-commit to me. I’ll never know. I forgive you, please forgive me, I love you. In hard times know that I am there to lean on.

Ryan: I love you brother, long live the circle. Keep alpha male shit alive.

Zsanett: You were a wonderful wife and stronger than you know. I was always proud of you, Szeretlek.

Michael, Shannah, Melissa: I love you all so much. Sorry I wasn’t a better brother. Don’t let the Koppenhaver name die Mike. It’s all you.

Papa: You were the best grandfather a guy could ask for, I love you. Sorry to let you down.

Nyba, R1, Kendall, 9MM, Wade, Doodoo, Julio, Heather, Trae, JD, Baret, Herman, Pav, Duza, Vitelli, Sua, Matt, D, J.R., Daniel, Fritz: My great friends, oh how I love you all. May my strength be with you.

Amanda: Thank you for your love and support. It meant the world to me. I hope you find your Tristan. I will watch over you.

Oh man, writing all of this has me crying like a lil’ bitch! I still don’t understand how I got into this mess, I don’t know why this had to happen. My life was going so well. I know that I made mistakes in the past but I had corrected that and was living life correctly. It is one thing to catch a case when you set out to commit a crime, but catching a case when you have nothing but good intentions in your heart is just so hard to accept. The severity of the charges makes it that much worse. They wanna charge me with battery and DV? Fine, do it, but don’t railroad me with B.S. fantasy charges like rape! Attempted murder! Kidnapping! And burglary! It’s fucking ridiculous. And it’s making it impossible for justice. I’m a good person with a huge heart and everyone who knows me knows that, especially Christy. I don’t know what has happened to her but I’m not gonna watch the woman I love go on the stand and tell painful lies about me. I don’t know if her scumbag agent is making her do this for $/publicity, or if the D.A. is just pressuring her/scaring her, or what. Anyway, thank you to all who have supported me over the years. I appreciate you all, sorry if I’ve let you down. I hope you choose to remember me for my times of strength and not for this. Society has killed men. I was never meant to live in this era anyway. Follow your dreams and think for yourselves.

“Verily, often laugh at the weaklings who think themselves good because they have no claws.”
– Nietzche
