Treibt Hogan die WM XXX Buyrate hoch? - AJ sagte "Total Divas" ab - Ryback: "Ich bin gut genug die Streak des Takers zu brechen" - Update zu Goldberg

Seh ich ganz genauso, ist mir auch bei dem Interview bei der CLASH TIME aufgefallen.
Ich denke die WWE hat kein Vertrauen zu ihm.
Ryback ist ein richtiger Sonnenschein :)

  • When asked about his dream opponent for Wrestlemania XXX, Ryback said that a lot of people put a little too much credit in the Internet. He said it’s run by a lot of negative people that should not have an opinion, according to him. Ryback said a lot of “them” have no clue how to live life. If he could pick one opponent for Wrestlemania it would be The Undertaker because he wants to be the guy to end the streak. He likes getting people mad and pissed off and for every person that says he doesn’t deserve that or he can’t do that, he will prove them wrong… because “all of you” suck.

  • When asked if he had any close friends in WWE, Ryback said he’s there to be his best and that he gets along with everyone very well. He said as far as guys he would consider friends, he’s kind of a lone wolf but he gets along with Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett very well. Ryback said he travels alone, works out alone, eats alone and goes back to Vegas alone. He said he’s not there to be buddy-buddy with everyone.

[MENTION=2652]JME[/MENTION] ach die Aussagen sind doch alle nur In-Gimmick. Privat ist Ryback bestimmt ein toal netter Kerl :D